Does your ankle need unstable surfaces for stability training? Ankle sprains are among the most common musculoskeletal injuries, resulting in a loss of stability at […]
Why Physical Therapy is Important During Pregnancy Pregnancy, while often filled with joy and excitement, can also come along with discomfort and challenges due to the […]
What Should Youth Athletes Eat Before A Game? While we often discuss injuries and preventing injuries, today I’m tackling a bit of the “performance” side of […]
Is Inflammation Good Or Bad? Inflammation gets a bad rap. It’s essentially the boogeyman for any active individual or anyone who wants to continue to move […]
Structuring Your Own Training: A Guide for Runners and Triathletes Do you find yourself ramping up your exercise intensity only on weekends or running at […]
Lateral Ankle Sprains Tips for Rehabilitation Have you ever heard that sometimes it’s easier to treat a broken ankle than a sprained ankle? Well, that can […]