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May 17, 2021B3 Strength Training For Runners
One of my favorite movie montages of all time is in Rocky IV. It’s the iconic training scene in Russia where Rocky is training rugged while Drago is hooked up to all the fancy sensors and has a room full of scientists calculating his every move. Then Rock goes on to whoop his ass. I love the scene for what it represents. The not-so-subtle message that pure grit and determination lifting rocks and bails of hay can get the job done.
Why am I telling you this? Because we get to play with cinder blocks now too 😎. This year we’re rolling out a few programs that we’ve had up our sleeves and so far it’s been a success. Our “Never Miss A Monday” morning group runs are growing in size, and we already are near capacity for our newest “B3” strength training program for runners.
The 3 B’s stand for Bands, Blocks, and Body-Weight. Let’s say it again:
The idea behind this program is that you don’t need a lot of fancy equipment to get the job done for running. Anyone who has worked with us knows our creativity using the elastic bands. You’re welcome by the way; we know the glutes are probably still on fire. And a few years ago we put out an all-body-weight program. Now we’re rounding it out with cinder blocks, the next piece of the puzzle.
Our goal was to find a simplistic design that ANYONE could work with without breaking the bank. With a little inspiration from friends out west and some creative programming, we had our solution. B3 was born. Quads, glutes, calves, upper-body, “core”…you name it, we’re going to be working it.
For 5 weeks we’ll be getting together with our group of registered participants on Tuesday evenings and sweating our way through some run-specific strength sessions using only the cinder blocks, elastic bands, and our own bodies. That’s it. Sounds simple, because it IS simple. Simple and effective. No more excuses. No more “can’t get to the gym” or “can’t source any more exercise equipment” etc. You can roll a band up in your pocket, and you can store your cinder block in the garage (although we prefer you store it with our logo facing out).
So in the spirit of Rocky gearing up for the Russian sensation after a devastating loss to our protagonist, we too are busting out of COVID with a new spirit and training for our upcoming race season with cinder blocks and some open space.
All cinematic references aside, it’s going to be a blast. We’re stoked to be getting into our “outside offices” and getting more hands-on this year. For 8 years we’ve been perfecting our methods of helping people behind the camera. B3 is letting us make the move from presenting information to getting it done with you, and we couldn’t be more excited.
After talking it over, we’ve decided there’s plenty of room and encourage you to sign up and bring a friend. It’s always more fun with a friend, and we’ve made some great ones in this local running community.
So click this link for more info → https://runsignup.com/Race/NY/Poughkeepsie/B3StrengthTrainingWithFeldmanPhysicalTherapyPerformance
And check out our hype video here → https://youtu.be/gtZ53cLg9uo
And lastly, yes, I absolutely watched the training clip on youtube before writing this. It’s 7 minutes and 41 seconds of pure awesomeness. I encourage you to do the same….https://youtu.be/B_9FyTiq3SA
Happy Training!