Dance Injury: A Story About Addressing Pain Early
March 15, 2020
1 Week Down…A Lifetime To Go
March 25, 2020Not Your Regularly Scheduled Blog Post
Thank you so much for checking out this week’s blog! As you can tell by our title this is not our regularly scheduled blog! So first, YES! We do actually plan all the blogs, social media videos and other content way ahead of time and make sure they all go together to give you the best information. None of that is by accident (ok maybe sometimes!).
I wanted to take a minute to thank all of you for all of your support over the last few days since we made the call to close the office. The emails, phone calls, text messages have honestly really made it easier on all of us. To everyone we have been continuing to help via virtual video visit I hope you have enjoyed them as much as we have! We are all going to get through this together! If you haven’t had your video visit yet, we promise you will love it.
Many of you asked how you can help support us, and so first and foremost I want to be clear, the best thing you can do for everyone is to stay home! The sooner we can reopen our doors the better it is for everyone. That being said, the next best thing is to take advantage of some of our digital offerings. I am going to highlight them all here and we are going to be sending out some emails every few days highlighting each one. If you feel that any of them are appropriate for your or someone you know signup. If you don’t like it or don’t think it is helpful we won’t hesitate to refund your money, but you know us, you are going to love them all!
We have opened up registration for our Feldman Physical Therapy & Performance Running School! This will consist of 4 live online interactive lectures with Ashley, John and I covering 4 topics:
- Strength Training At Home
- Run
ning Drills, Technique & Equipment
- How To Safely Train For Longevity
- How To Improve Your Speed
We are only taking 25 people into this first group, so sign-up now, we were going to open this up in May for $150, but we are opening it now for $99!
We also offer 2 options for training from home!
- Strength Training For Runners – This is an at home bodyweight only training program that we have been offering for sometime now. You can subscribe and do all the videos at your own pace.
- Volt Online Programing – This is a much more in depth program that we create for you based on your individual goals, what equipment you have available and how often you like to train. Because this is more individual click here to email Justin and he will set it up for you. If you want to see more about how the platform works here is a video walkthrough.
Coming Soon…5k, 10k, ½ and full marathon training plans!
Now in closing I also need to thank Ashley and John for being the best team I could possibly work with! Closing was not an easy decision, but their support and understanding made it much easier, and our daily staff meeting video calls are very fun and will definitely be continuing once life is back to normal!