Feldman Physical Therapy is now Feldman Physical Therapy and Performance
April 28, 2016Episode 1 – Fitness with Feldman
June 1, 2016Announcing Feldman PT & Performance Endurance Team
We hope this message finds you well and that you’re enjoying the change in weather. For us that means more time outside training and wondering how we got so out of shape over the winter.
By now most of you have heard the big news that we have officially changed our name to “Feldman Physical Therapy and Performance.” We are very excited about our new look and are even more excited to help spread the word that training is more than just the time between injuries (See our Facebook post regarding strength training and running!).
Justin and John have finally found a way to merge their love of training with giving back to the community. In addition to our name change, we are also excited to announce the formation of our own “Endurance Team.” This team is geared towards fostering the love of endurance training and also to support a worthwhile cause. The best part? There is no cost to join! Sign-up here and we will order you a super cool Feldman Physical Therapy Endurance Team T-Shirt.
All we ask is that you keep track of how many miles you race at events and send some pictures sporting the logo. At the end of the year, we will tally up the total mileage from our team (swimming, biking, running or other) and Feldman Physical Therapy will donate $1 for each mile to a charity of the team’s choosing.Everyone will be involved in the vote! Team members will also have access to exclusive video and training content as well as coaching tips. Free Feldman PT swag and running for a cause, what better way to sweat!?
Please sign-up ASAP, because we are going to get the shirts printed soon so they are ready to sport for the 2016 race season!
Justin and John are both running the Walkway Half Marathon in June and we would like to have our team ready by then. If you are interested in the 5k, 13.1 or 26.2, please let us know!